What? : Boulangerie, traiteur, épicerie, cave à vins nature
Where? : 9 cours Jean-Ballard 13001 Marseille
When? : Mardi > Samedi de 8.30 à 19.00
How Much? : Pain Pop Complet : 9.5€ / kg / Expresso : 2 € / Plats du jour végétarien (10 €); viande ( 13 €)
More informations? : 06 80 30 50 87
A link? : Click-here

Bonjour is the new place that wakes up our foggy mornings, soothes and delights our rushed lunches and energises our snacks. A caterer who is a restaurant, a bakery, a grocery store and a wine cellar, all run by the teams from La Fabriquerie in Endoume and Bonnes Graines in Bonneveine.

By Valérie Vangreveninge / Photo by VV, BonJour and Caroline Dutrey