ArtsLes Ateliers Lautard 6 February 2025In a former Pôle Emploi building in the Belle de Mai district, offices of all sizes have been transformed into art studios. They…
ArtsLifestyleHappy Funky Family 25 September 2020The family portrait is a compass that we like to have at home so we know where we come from and where we…
ArtsEarly birds of the Art Leave a comment 6 April 2017With its innovative concept, Early Work is THE online art sales platform which wakes up early to reveal the rising talents.…
ArtsExpos à gogo Leave a comment 4 October 2016By extending its offer to two new exhibition spaces in Marseille, the Pass Museum offers visitors and Marseilles a sesame for the culture…
ArtsPlein la Vue Leave a comment 18 September 2016Pas de gifles esthétiques cette année en Arles, mais des propositions de plus en plus variées et richement scénographiées pour plaire à un…
ArtsMarseille Mishmash Leave a comment 10 June 2016Is it a book or a guide ? Marseille Plurielle gives tourists or long-time locals the opportunity to discover or rediscover the city…
ArtsNewsWelcome to paradise 18 December 2014Paradise is a cube which immerses you in the digital and video art of today. This artistic pop-up is accommodated within the House…