What? : Café, bar, crêperie and bike repair workshop
Where? : 95 Boulevard Longchamp 13001 Marseille
When? : Thursday > Friday from 12:00 to 20:30 / Saturday > Sunday from 12:30 to 18:30
How Much? : Crêpe from €3.50 / Galette from €5.50 to €9 / Coffee €1.80
More informations? : 06 47 35 89 37
A link? : Click-here “Coffee – bike – crepe – garden”. At Éclectique le Jardin there are no big speeches or complicated concepts - just a workshop with good things to eat and drink and at the bottom a large terrace.
By Julie Desbiolles / Photos by JD, Eric Foucher and Eclectique Le Jardin