What? : Cuisine italienne
Where? : 19 Rue Fortia 13001 Marseille
When? : Tous les jours midi et soir sauf dimanche
How Much? : Formule midi (entrée + pâte ou pâte + dessert) 18 €/ 3 plats 24 € / Menu enfant 12 € / Plateaux: Fritto Misto 14 € Charcuteries et fromages 17 €
Transportation? : M1 Estrangin-Préfecture
More informations? : 04 91 33 42 46
A link? : Click-here

It is a brigade with an Italian accent of controlled appellation which welcomes you in this big bistro, at the counter for "aperitivo" and in the main room for lunch or dinner. Popular dishes "della mamma" made with simple transalpine products.