What? : Rôtisserie - Traiteur - Epicerie - Restaurant 
Where? : 107 rue du Camas 13005 Marseille
When? : Mardi > Samedi 9 à 20.30 / Dimanche 9 à 14.00
How Much? : Poulet fermier Label Rouge à emporter 19.95 € / Sandwich 9 € /  Plat du rôtisseur (1 viande +2 accompagnements au choix) 15.5 € / Menu enfant 9 € 
Transportation? : Tram 1 Georges
More informations? : 04 91 53 31 76
A link? : Click-here

On Boulevard Chave, Manu and Albert have swapped their aprons as pizzaiolos and bakers for a new culinary adventure that has people turning their heads and tantalizing their taste buds. Their specialty? A chicken from Gers so divinely prepared it could very well make all other poultry forgettable.