What? : South American cuisine restaurant
Where? : 23 rue saint Saëns 13001 Marseille
When? : Every day at lunch and dinner
How Much? : Cocktails €8-9.5 / Guacamole €6 / Ceviche €14.5 / Tacos (per pair) €6"
Transportation? : M1 Vieux-Port / T3 Rome Davso 
More informations? : 09 79 00 31 52
A link? : Click-here

Marseille, the cosmopolitan city, is increasingly embracing cuisines from around the world. Just a short distance from the Old Port, Tigermilk offers a taste of the best South America has to offer with well-balanced cocktails and flavorful dishes, all set in a colorful hacienda-inspired decor.