What? : Fish and Sea Food restaurant
Where? : 16 Rue Désiré Pelaprat 13008 Marseille
When? : Open 7 days a week / Restaurant from 12:00 to 14:15 and from 19:00 to 21:30 / Café-bar from 9:00 to 19:00
How Much? : Starter €17 / Frioul sea bass €36 / Dessert of the day €10
Transportation? : Bus 19 and 20 to Les Goudes
More informations? : 04 84 89 12 71
A link? : Click-here

With its terrace just a stone's throw from Cap Croisette and Île Maïre, La Marine des Goudes is experiencing a revival, much to the delight of locals and tourists who savor fresh fish and sun-drenched vegetables