Eating out


Marseille eating : Our addresses and restaurants to try right now

As you will discover here, you now have a wide selection of Marseille eating. Thanks to our addresses and restaurants to try right now, we help you choose according to the district, the type of cuisine, the setting, the atmosphere, etc. Restaurants, tea rooms, fast food, wine or beer cellars, delicatessens, fishmongers, cheese makers, bakers, pastry chefs or ice-cream parlours? Ask for the city guide!

Mani Mani est un restaurant  spécialisé dans les rouleaux de printemps à Marseille (patate douce)

Mani Mani updates the spring roll to create lunches that are both healthy and comforting. Behind its cream-colored storefront with a poppy sign,…

Behind its brightly colored storefront, Tim, a virtuoso of flavors, invites you to discover his inspired creations. In front of this tiny shop…

Zerma est un restaurant de smash burgers situé dans le quartier Noailles à Marseille (dégustation)

Georges Mohammed-Chérif, a prominent figure in advertising, known affectionately as "Jéjé Barbu" in the Marseille gastronomy scene, teams up with the Amsallem brothers…

Barbotyne : café-ceramiques à Marseille (devanture)

While pottery workshops have become numerous in Marseille, the opening of a ceramic café is a first. In a bright and colorful setting,…

After their success in Paris, Céline Chung, Billy Pham, and the Bao Family are bringing their popular baked buns to Cours Saint-Louis in…

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