Eating out


Marseille eating : Our addresses and restaurants to try right now

As you will discover here, you now have a wide selection of Marseille eating. Thanks to our addresses and restaurants to try right now, we help you choose according to the district, the type of cuisine, the setting, the atmosphere, etc. Restaurants, tea rooms, fast food, wine or beer cellars, delicatessens, fishmongers, cheese makers, bakers, pastry chefs or ice-cream parlours? Ask for the city guide!

Maison Mistre, artisan chocolatier and delicatessen in Vauban, city guide love spots Marseille (interior)

Praline, gianduja, ganache, cocoa and hazelnut are words that make you dream and salivate. Head to Maison Mistre in Vauban, an artisanal chocolate…

Vénus Vauban, cafe restaurant in Vauban, city guide love spots, Marseille (table)

Designed be a true coffee shop, Vénus Vauban welcomes early-rising neighbours, nomadic workers glued to their computers, and hungry students with dreamy snacks…

Fioupelan, French restaurant, city guide love spots Marseille (terrace)

Le Fioupelan is the restaurant that the Old Port has long deserved. Romain Cicut's brasserie-café-restaurant effectively floats souls sensitive to generosity, quality and…

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