Eating out


Marseille eating : Our addresses and restaurants to try right now

As you will discover here, you now have a wide selection of Marseille eating. Thanks to our addresses and restaurants to try right now, we help you choose according to the district, the type of cuisine, the setting, the atmosphere, etc. Restaurants, tea rooms, fast food, wine or beer cellars, delicatessens, fishmongers, cheese makers, bakers, pastry chefs or ice-cream parlours? Ask for the city guide!

Marseille, the cosmopolitan city, is increasingly embracing cuisines from around the world. Just a short distance from the Old Port, Tigermilk offers a…

Cocotéro est une cantine végétal dans le quartier des Catalans qui propose une cuisine de partage pour tous les moments de la journée. (terrasse)

Shéhrézade and Alexis continue their organic adventure with a view of the iconic Catalans Beach. Cocotéro is a seaside canteen where the joyful…

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