What? : Épicerie fine / Produits fermiers / Cave à vins
Where? : 157 boulevard Chave 13005 Marseille
When? : Lundi 15 à 20.00 / Mardi > Vendredi de 9.30 à 14.00 et de 16 à 20.00 / Sam de 9.30 à 20.00
More informations? : 06 17 32 85 26
A link? : Click-here

Thanks to its fine selection of farm produce, its preserves, and its jars of regional recipes, its artisanal meats and cheeses that reflect the local traditions, its fresh pasta, and its gourmet products you no longer need to be an ace in the kitchen to prepare a succulent meal. With Maison Richard who will complain?

By Eric Foucher