With her leather bags, marked by her recognizable signature, Florence K imposes her style on the world of high-end bespoke leather goods !…
To hell with synthetic products! Only leather, wood and porcelain are to be found at Lundi Neuf; everyday objects revisited with natural materials…
Have an expert and elegant cut with this exceptional cigar accessory; “Les Fine Lames" (The Fines Blades). Cigar cutters and other objects of…
With its offering of professional quality paints, waxed concretes and decorative resins, this paint manufacturer seduces as much as it innovates.…
Within this Marseille ice cream den, nestled in the Escale Borély, there are artisanal ice creams and delicacies in a homely setting. Sinning…
A sweet return for Sweet’s Lady, former libertine bar transformed into a real French bistrot with a 70's spirit. Perfect quality cuisine on…
Love… that may be the secret ingredient making La Minotte so special : discover that made in Marseille craft beer, brewed with patience…