Despite its size, this urban cabin has a great ambition; to make you love the arts of the twentieth century through a well…
A yellow and black trophy invites us to enter this shop in the Panier shows-off the creations of twelve local designers: comforting light,…
A breath of fresh air is blowing in the Panier district. Roller Mama offers you its famous rolled and colored ice cream, freshly…
After strolling through the picturesque streets of the Panier, this summer canteen offers a welcome stop in the shade of lime trees. Like…
We knew Florence with her Petite Epicerie at the top of the Panier. Nowadays she’s found blooming in a pocket-sized kitchen just a…
Fruit de la rencontre entre une chorégraphe et un aventurier des fourneaux, ce store va bien au delà du concept. Son nom invite…