Out & About


Where to have a drink and dance in Marseille? Our addresses and cool places

Need to relax, decompress, feel like a drink or a dance? Stay cool, here’s a selection of good addresses and great afterwork plans until the end of the night with our city guide.

There's no need to leave Marseille in order to feel on vacation! From June to September, board this beautiful schooner which looks like…

Among the many terraces of Notre-Dame-du-Mont, Morrisson's is distinguished by its old-fashion Peaky Blinders look and its elegant style. From the front to…

  • Le Courrier du Cœur

    En panne d'idées?
    Recevez tous les 15 jours nos suggestions de nouvelles adresses, de sorties, et de balades.

  • Le Bon Plan

    Recevez tous les bons plans de nos partenaires : inaugurations, soirées, soldes privés, offres spéciales, remises, etc.

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