What? : Italian sandwich shop (paninis)
Where? : 16 rue Decazes 13007 Marseille
When? : Monday > Friday from 10:00 to 17:00
How Much? : Panino €8.50-€9.50 / Salad €7.50-€9.50 / Soup of the day €6 / Dessert €3.50-5.00 / Glass of wine €3.50 / Beer €4.50
More informations? : 06 16 75 25 23
A link? : Click-here Feeding on Italian flavours since her childhood, Anita wanted to offer Marseille the comforting taste of real panino as it is eaten in the streets of Milan. And what better place than an old local newspaper shop - a meeting place par excellence - to share these delicious sandwiches?