What? : paintings, sculptures, photographs, post cards, food Where? :Centre de la Vieille Charité, 2 rue de la Charité Marseille 2e When? : From 16 February to 24 June 2018 (Tuesday > Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00) How Much? : €12 / €8 with discounts (€15 ticket combined with Mucem) A link? :Click-here
African masks bought to Marseille in 1912 mark the starting point of Picasso's Imaginary Travels - an exhibition in two parts. Between travel souvenirs and fictitious itineraries, the exhibition at the centre of the Vieille Charité helps us penetrate his imagination whilst the exhibition at the Mucem confronts the painter with the body language born from the Russian ballets for which he designed the sets.
Picasso Pablo (dit), Ruiz Picasso Pablo (1881-1973). Paris, Centre Pompidou – MusÈe national d’art moderne – Centre de crÈation industrielle. AM4248P.
Picasso Pablo (dit), Ruiz Picasso Pablo (1881-1973). Paris, musée national Picasso – Paris. MP1634.
Picasso Pablo (dit), Ruiz Picasso Pablo (1881-1973). Paris, musÈe de l’Orangerie. RF1963-73.
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