What? : Bar- Brasserie et Comedy Club
Where? : 15 Quai de Rive Neuve 13001 Marseille
When? : ? 7/7 de 15 à 02.00
How Much? : Spectacle 20 € / Assiettes à partager 5 à 14 € / Plats 20-23 € / Desserts 7-8€ / Cocktails 12-13€ / Brunch 29 €
Transportation? : M1 Vieux-Port
More informations? : 04 91 70 99 53
A link? : Click-here

Bar-brasserie on the ground floor, comedy club upstairs for established artists as well as the stand-up talents of tomorrow, the Vig’s brings it all together. In a single location in the Old Port, it’s a round of good cheer and friendliness.