What? : Bar et Skateshop
Where? : 16 place Notre dame du Mont 13006 Marseille
When? : Mardi > Samedi de 14.00 à 02.00
How Much? : Pression 4 € / Cocktail 7 à 10 € / Tapas (panisse, frites, onion rings) 3 à 7.50 € / Planche Charcuterie fromage 15 €
Transportation? : M1 Notre Dame du Mont
More informations? : 06 60 23 58 62
A link? : Click-here

We were already familiar with hidden bars tucked away at the back of shops. In this new spot in Notre Dame du Mont, it’s the opposite—a drink counter that hides a skate shop and a mini ramp. A great vibe served on a platter…