One can imagine many thing behind enigmatic acronym V/V , as the promise to make us dream about one thousand one evenings.…
Built on the remnants of an old lead factory, the gallery owner Eric Touchaleaume initiated this ambitious project of a park decorated with…
In the heart of the Notre-Dame du Mont district, the gallery Urban Poetic (UP) explores the beauty of urban life to make it…
The porpose of this nomadic photo gallery is to fill with images the empty spaces of developing real-estate. It temporarily settled in in…
Béa-Ba does not aim to supply you with the elementary knowledge of contemporary art but to highlight painters of today. Yet it is…
In the heart of Marseille, a former school reopens its door for four months. Forty street artists have transformed the place (from classrooms…
Associated with the new location of the Etude de Provence, this exhibition space is an art house open to various players.…