CultureGalleries and art spacesMapsAlliV 17 October 2014The value of this space it goes far beyond the mere figure of style (Villa/ alliV). In this house the art is alive…
Eating outFast FoodMapsBagel Smith 12 September 2014A one way ticket from Marseille to Brooklyn during the lunch break? Welcome to the first kosher bagel store in the city.…
Eating outMapsWine and beer CellarLiber / La Cave du Mérou 12 August 2014A wine bar next to a bookshop, what could be more logical. Reading accompanied by a sweet nectar is not it more enjoyable?…
AccessoriesJewelsMapsMen & Women FashionShoppingBlack Butter 30 July 2014What bloggers pins on their profile, Adelaide Obrie decided to hang on to the real walls. This fine selection of objects and clothing…
Decoration & FurnitureMapsShoppingArtchiArty 18 May 2014In this former jewelry store, we pamper furniture from the family or some craftmen which, once renovated, regain all their sentimental value.…
CultureGalleries and art spacesMapsGalerie ML 5 May 2014After her guest houses dedicated to art in Lodève (Domaine du Canalet) and Arles (My tailor is rich) Muriel Lagneau opens the doors…
AccessoriesJewelsMapsMen & Women FashionShoppingLes Baigneuses 7 March 2014« Les Baigneuses » (The bathers), are elegant women onto their towel. Waltzers who would have fallen in love in a way ……