What? : Italian restaurant - Pizzeria
Where? : 84 Avenue du Prado 13006 Marseille
When? : Tuesday > Thursday, 12:00-14:00 and 19:30-22:00 / Friday and Saturday, 12:00-14:00 and 19:30-22:30
How Much? : Pizzas : 12-20€ / Antipasti : 12-18€ / dishes around 14-21€
Transportation? : M2 Périer or Castellane / M1 Castellane / Bus 21 ou 19
More informations? : 04 91 92 98 64
A link? : Click-here

The menu in this transalpine "tavern” on the Prado proposes a whole palette of Italian gourmet classics. It has the charm of Italy and its cooking is based on fresh products mostly sourced from fine grocery stores found on the other side of the Alps.